Monday, November 28, 2011

If you want to see a picture of the tent dangling from a cliff (From current event 9) here you go!! Just click older posts and you can read the article

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9th current event

Extreme Campsite Dangles From Tree, Cliff
        Can you imagine camping out in a tent 6,562 feet off the ground? Can you believe that some people actually enjoy doing this? Of course if you were not afraid of heights than it may be ok. But overnight that would be scary. For years this has been a way to put up your tent. The tent hangs from treetops imagine what would happen if the tree broke. You may be wondering how you get in the tent first you have to have a harness so that you can climb your way over. Some experts give you a class about how to do this. When you rent these kinds of tents (these tents are not cheap a night on the cliffs edge costs 1,199$ If you want a tent that is on the ground while you are sleeping it is a lot cheaper. If you ever camp over a cliff, GOOD LUCK.

         This is related to science because of how did someone make up this crazy idea to sleep over the edge of a cliff? Also how did they first do it? I wonder if they had any testers? This is also related to science because how would you know exactly where to hang your tent for example what if the tree wasn’t strong enough? Would the tree brake and then would you fall down? Also because of the gravity the gravity pulls the tent down so that it makes a perfect triangle but if it was in space for example it wouldn’t be able to do that. In conclusion I think you can see why this topic is related to science.

Discovery News
Article written November 16th
current event wrote November 28th
Written by Nic Halverson

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Scientific Table

This is a chart I made about the three states of matter. As you can see the three states of matter are solids, liquids and gasses. On this chart we put if the solid liquid or gas had any expansion, mass and much more as you can see. This has helped me understand the three states of matter much better. It is also very interesting to  see the differences between these objects and there differences and the way they are alike. In conclusion I hope you can see how interesting this table is to me as I hope it is to you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

8th curent event

Smart Chimp Gets Speech Like a Human
         A 25 year old chimpanzee demonstrated that speech is not always a human trait. Did you know that a chimpanzee named Panzee understands more than 130 words in English? She also understands about sine waves which is a type of synthetic form. This means that she is understanding the language just like us. The scientists are thinking a that ancestors of chimpanzees may have the capability to understand speech and sound. A doctoral candidate and researcher uses common wave speech using simple words like M&M and tickle and sparkle.  Panzee  knew them all. Supporters of the "Speech is Special" view have pointed to the fact that chimpanzees can understand speech. The scientists think that maybe now all mammals can understand the human language. They do hesitate in saying that chimpanzees understand the language but they do have proof. Panzee can tell you her feelings or if she is hungry. Sometimes she puts two or three words together. The scientists are thinking that birds or other monkeys may be able to communicate as well. My opinion is that this is a really interesting article I think that it is cool that animals can communicate with people in language, other animals have other way of communicating.
                This is related to science because it is interesting to know about how do chimpanzees understand language? Also how do they communicate with their mouth? I have a cat and he communicates by meowing or rubbing against a chair but I don’t see how monkeys/ chimpanzees can communicate by language or sin waves. It is also related to science because animals are science!

Monday, November 14, 2011

7th current event


            If you think of shark and people you would think ohhhh dear get them separated right away or a big bloody mess, but this article is about a surfer saving a great white shark. This happened on October 4, 2011 on Venice beach. The surfer found the great white shark with a hook stuck in his mouth. The surfer dragged the shark onto the shore. When the surfer pulled the shark out of the water the shark started to wriggle and try to escape According to on lookers the shark was a fairly young.  Everyone on the beach saw the man drag the shark on shore. One man on the beach came over with his fishing gear and put his hand in his mouth and he asking, "Does anyone have a knife?" Once the brave fishermen got the hook out, others came to help drag the shark back into the water it remains unknown if the shark will survive. "At least we rescuers got the hook out and gave it a chance to survive." Pete Thomas wrote. 

            This is related to science because why did the surfer save the shark in the first place? It could be because it was firm on their beliefs or for a scientific purpose? What would you do if you saw the shark half dying? I would probably scream and yell and shout until someone heard me. This is also related to science because animals are very interesting. Why did the shark eat the hook maybe because it had food on it or maybe because it looked funny? As you can see this article is related to science in many different ways.

Author: Jennifer Veigas
Discovery News

Saturday, November 12, 2011

6th current event

       On Friday October 14, a man called Niblack recalls a feeling that he had hit something as he surfed 50 yards away from the Oregon coast. After that bump he felt the bottom of his board to make sure it was still there, Then all of a sudden saw a dorsal fin right in front of him! Then he felt his feet plant right on top of the great white shark. As he was on the shark he saw the tail thrashing back and forth. When he put his hands down he felt a rubbery skin touch his finger tips and he knew that he was on a shark. Niblack says that he was probably standing on the shark three to four secounds but he says in those few seconds he was dragged three to four feet by his ankle tether. Many people would not believe the story but another surfer  witnessed in they attack. Jake Mark, the man who witnessed the attack, said that he started swimmng as fast as he could on his board praying that the shark would not follow him. He even said that he saw a large shadow go right in between both of them! When they finally got to shore Niblack checked his board for any signs of injury he found quite a lot of big gashes. When Niblack spoke to reporters about what happened he said, "I have no reason to doubt there was a shark out there. With the damage to my board, and the way I was yelling and trembling afterwards -- there is no other explanation that I really was on a shark"
      This article is related to science because many people would think, why did the shark go after the surfer? The shark could have thought the surfer was a sea turtle, but who knows? Scientists could explain the answer to them. When the shark decided to leap into the air why did the shark do it? It could be because of the surfer on his back or could it be because the shark felt like it. Scientists and researchers questioned the surfer because they didn't think that it was possible.

Author: Jennifer Veigas
Discovery News