Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rocky Exoplanets May Be 'Squishy' Worlds

Bethany 7B
By Irene Klotz
Thu Nov 22, 2012
Rocky Exoplanets May Be 'Squishy' Worlds

Did you know that Planets beyond the solar system that are bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune could have large areas of liquid metal and life-protecting magnetic shields? As laboratory test shows, “Under the heat and pressure that exist inside super-Earths, magnesium oxide and other minerals commonly found in the rocky mantles of the terrestrial planets, transform into liquid metals” Researchers are trying to figure out if these metals could help medical conditions or help us in any other way. The liquid metal might be able to stop a physics phenomenon called a "dynamo" which means action, which is responsible for generating magnetic fields. "It is often thought that a planetary magnetic field protects life on a planet's surface from harmful space radiation, like cosmic rays. What we find is that magnetic fields may exist on more super-Earth planets than expected, resulting from the transformation of the planet's rocks to metals in the deep interior. This could create new environments for life in the universe," geophysicist Stewart McWilliams. This is really cool because who knew that there could be another life in the universe! The article was really interesting since it talked about different points of view. First the point of view of a scientist and how they zapped a piece of metal to make it liquid, to the point of view of researchers and then to the point of view of a geophysicist. I wonder what would happen if there was another planet that is usable for humans! Would everyone leave earth to go to the different planet?
        This is related to science because space is studied a lot in science! Also scientists were involved in this activity by doing experiments with the metal! The article was really interesting and I would recommend the article to anyone who is interested in space. I would also recommend this article to people who enjoy reading a good article that is interesting. This would definitely fit the description if interesting! I really enjoyed it!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tasmanian Devils to Get Their Own Island
Friday November 16, 2012
Content provided by AFP
        Up until now I never knew what Tasmanian devils were! Now I am finding out that the Tasmanian devils are being transferred to a small Australian island to start a new life without the scars of what had happened with their species all because of the tumor disease. The Tasmanian devils will be released on Thursday, November 21, 2012 on Maria Island, a nature sanctuary off the state's east coast. This is good because it is a major step to stop extinction of wild animals. "The Maria Island translocation is designed to establish a self-sustaining population of healthy wild devils in a safe haven where they are protected from interaction with the deadly facial tumor disease," Wightman said. Did you know that the tumor was discovered in 1996 and since Tasmania is the only country with these animals roaming freely the numbers of Tasmanian devils have decreased 91% to the low 10,000! Thank goodness that not the entire state has affected the Tasmanian devils there are still some parts that are disease free! “If successful authorities plan to increase the overall population on Maria Island over the next two years to about 50 animals.” Wightman says. In my opinion this is great! I really like how the people in Tasmania are taking action!
            This is related to science because when we study animals we are studying science! When I was reading this article I thought that this connected to what we were studying because we are talking about how science takes action and how we can help. This is talking about the people of Tasmania wanting to help a wild species so they decide to send them to the island! I really enjoyed reading this article because usually I read about depressing articles about animals! In conclusion before I read this article I didn’t know what Tasmanian devils were! Now I want to learn more about them!

Monday, October 29, 2012


           I have learned a lot more about dirt then I have ever known in my life! For example: How a teaspoon of dirt can be more living then we are! I liked when the school removed sheets of concrete and the dirt cartoon looked overjoyed! I enjoyed watching the school do compost and plant rows of plants! Also there are layers of dirt! Did you know that the earth is 10 percent dirt? Also in this movie I enjoyed hearing different peoples opinion on how the dirt effects there lives! I also found out that some people eat dirt! Imagine having to eat dirt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I also learned that some farms grow only one crop! This is called monoculture. This is bad because you want to have different types of plants to keep the soil healthy! I also learned that people are farming and then donating to local shelters. This is great because it allows people to have fresh fruits and vegetables! In conclusion I never thought that dirt could be so important! I was especially surprised about my first fact!

      When I think about dirt I think about worms, I personally do not like worms! When i'm in the forest I get very calm but not because of the soil. I hear the birds chirping, and the trees swaying. Basically dirt for me is not calming but the forest is! I was really surprised to here how many farmers in India committed suicide! I was especially surprised that they would kill themselves when they had a family to feed! We can always have more cautious about what is happening to the earth! For example the dirt! If the dirt is all dried up and you can't grow anything this effects lots of daily lives! I think everything you do to help the planet even how small it is you are still helping! Also think about everything you are not doing to help the planet. Pretend that you threw a bottle cap on the grass. Imagine if you threw something on the grass everyday? All of that builds up and you may not realize it. I feel that we should help our ecosystem because this can effect our planet immensely even if it is really small. Just like the hummingbirds!  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

100-Million-Year-Old Spider Attack Found in Amber

Title: 100-Million-Year-Old Spider Attack Found in Amber
Author: Megan Gannon 
Article Published: Monday October 8, 2012

          Did you know that researchers have found a 100 million year old spider that was trapped in a lump of amber with a wasp! You could even see 15 intact strands of web! The scientists think that the spider was just enjoying a meal of the tiny parasitic wasp but instead of happily eating the wasp, the tree that the web was in had other ideas... Just than a drop of amber fell onto the spider and the wasp! Poinar and Ron Buckley, an amber collector from Kentucky, described this find in the paper. I quote, "There is no previous fossil record of a spider attacking its ensnared prey." This is also said by Poinar and Ron Buckley. The amber chunk also apparently held a male spider which is assumed to show evidence of of social behavior according to Megan Gannon. Both the spider and wasp species are extinct today.The type of wasp (Cascoscelio incassus) belongs to a group that today is known to parasitize spider eggs, Poinor says, "The attack on the wasp by the bristly orb-weaver spider, might then be considered revenge."

       I really like this article because I think it is very interesting, especially at the end when they say that it might be considered as revenge! This is funny to think because sometimes whenever we get mad at someone we prepare revenge! I also really like this article because of how well they described the fossil. This relates to science because animals are science! Once again I really liked this article and I would recommend it to anyone!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Zoo Panda Cubs Face Tough Beginnings
Article published: September 24, 2012
By: Jennifer Viegas                                   

     A panda cub died on September 23, 2012 in the zoo in Atlanta. It is said that the mother had water in her abdomen and a slightly unreal liver. This is bad because did you know that only 1,600 pandas remain in the wild? This is mainly caused by the habitat loss and fragile cubs. Even though scientists have tried placing cameras in the wild to monitor the baby cubs the way the cubs grow up in the wild are different from those who grow up at the zoo. The Atlanta zoo’s pandas have just gave birth to three cubs! They are very protective over the cubs. Just as Snyder says, "It's just that giant panda cubs are extremely vulnerable. They are the most altricial (born in an undeveloped state) of all placental mammals.

      This is related to what we are studying so far because we have been studying placental mammals and this is how panda cubs are born! We have also been studying about invertebrates and vertebrates and a panda is a vertebrate! I think that this was a very interesting article, and very sad because I never knew that there were just 1,600 more pandas in the wild. Of course it is only in the wild not counting zoos. Still if you think about it’s not that much compared to the huge world we are living in now! I really like pandas and I am hoping that their population grows!  

By: Bethany 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


          Did you know that baby kangaroos (joeys) are born when they are not fully grown? When they are first born they are about the size of a bean. They are hairless and blind! They don’t go into the mothers pouch right away. They have to slowly inch their way up the mothers belly and into the pouch. You may be asking, “How can they do this? They’re blind!” In fact they are born with a natural instinct! The baby joeys stay in the pouch for about eight months (it mostly depends on the species!) Sometimes another baby kangaroo would be in the pouch at the same time. The mother is able to produce enough milk for both of them! After all that did you know that a kangaroo can grow up to be around eight feet tall? In conclusion I think kangaroos are very fascinating animals. Who new that when they were first born they were only the size of a bean!

                                  AT LAST.......

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Curent event 11 Bacteria

Did you know that germs that can make you sick are everywhere! On your laptop, your school bag, your pencils! You can’t see them but you know that they are there. You can travel many places even to Antarctica and still the germs will fallow you. Not only people travel though pets can travel you can ship your clothes and food. Another way that a disease can travel is through animals since the climate is getting warmer there are mosquitoes and flies and they also carry germs and diseases. For example some mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus. Also flies and Ticks can bite you and suck your blood. Germs can also enter your body by touching your face with dirty hands. One way to help keep germs out of your body is to wash your hands but also your skin is your first weapon and it blocks the viruses and bacteria from getting in. Also your immune system is good for fighting germs. For example when you take a vaccine the vaccine makes your immune system stronger! A vaccine contains germs that have been killed or weakened. The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead, they trigger your body to make antibodies. If the same germ ever shows up again, then your antibodies attack it. Did you know that no two people have the same immune system? You can see that when you see that your friends for example are always getting sick and you never catch a cold. In conclusion you probably don’t have to worry that much about getting sick because you have your immune system to help.
This is related to science because germs and bacteria are all about science because whoever invented bacteria had to be a scientist and that is how we know about germs and bacteria today! I think that this is also related to science because it talks about the different bugs that carry diseases and we wouldn’t know that if scientists hadn’t discovered it. I thought that this was a very interesting article because it shows a lot of examples and it talks about your immune system. In conclusion i know understand more about germs and bacteria then I did before I also learned that bugs, carry diseases and germs. 

This article was by:Kirsten Weir