Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Curent event 11 Bacteria

Did you know that germs that can make you sick are everywhere! On your laptop, your school bag, your pencils! You can’t see them but you know that they are there. You can travel many places even to Antarctica and still the germs will fallow you. Not only people travel though pets can travel you can ship your clothes and food. Another way that a disease can travel is through animals since the climate is getting warmer there are mosquitoes and flies and they also carry germs and diseases. For example some mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus. Also flies and Ticks can bite you and suck your blood. Germs can also enter your body by touching your face with dirty hands. One way to help keep germs out of your body is to wash your hands but also your skin is your first weapon and it blocks the viruses and bacteria from getting in. Also your immune system is good for fighting germs. For example when you take a vaccine the vaccine makes your immune system stronger! A vaccine contains germs that have been killed or weakened. The dead germs can't make you sick. Instead, they trigger your body to make antibodies. If the same germ ever shows up again, then your antibodies attack it. Did you know that no two people have the same immune system? You can see that when you see that your friends for example are always getting sick and you never catch a cold. In conclusion you probably don’t have to worry that much about getting sick because you have your immune system to help.
This is related to science because germs and bacteria are all about science because whoever invented bacteria had to be a scientist and that is how we know about germs and bacteria today! I think that this is also related to science because it talks about the different bugs that carry diseases and we wouldn’t know that if scientists hadn’t discovered it. I thought that this was a very interesting article because it shows a lot of examples and it talks about your immune system. In conclusion i know understand more about germs and bacteria then I did before I also learned that bugs, carry diseases and germs. 

This article was by:Kirsten Weir

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