Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Current event 10!

article written by Emily Sohn

Soccer: How Women Play Differently From Men
        If you watched the U.S.A.'s decisive win over France in the Women's World Cup you may be thinking about the action or if there was any drama in soccer. For example, the players could easily fake a fall to get a penalty kick or something like that. If you have ever seen a soccer game played by men and another game played by women then you have probably seen a difference between genders. The men are usually more aggressive and they compete a lot more. They each have their own style of playing, if you have seen both you have probably noticed that the games stop a lot less in a women’s game then in a men’s game.  This shows that women have a much smoother game. When the referees referee the games they report that they are more tired refereeing a women’s game because the women are more active then the men. Also whenever men get pushed by the opposite team even though it is just a slight push they will exaggerate trying to get the referee to give the opposite team a yellow card. Referees say that the women play the game with more integrity and honor. This is very curious to the doctor at the games because the “injured” players would “limp” off the stadium and when he would inspect them he found out they were fine. He was getting kind of annoyed. Did you know that at the minimum in a men’s game there are 11 injuries. The doctor and some researchers did an experiment the inspected 89 men’s games and 49 women’s games. In a typical women’s game there are only 5 -6 injuries. They saw how if two women collide they will get right back up eager to continue. They also saw the difference because women didn’t make a huge deal if they got knocked to the ground. It is amazing because the women’s lungs are usually smaller than the men’s but they run a lot harder and there games are the same time as well. "There is a lack of attitude in a women's game, so there is less fouling and less violent fouling," Dorrance said. "I think a fan that really loves watching the game itself in its purest form will appreciate the way most of these women play." I agree with this article because when I saw the soccer match U.S against Japan I saw most of these qualities because they were just happy to be there and they played there best. 

This is related to science because of the human body. For example when you play soccer you use different parts of your body. For women it could be different because they could have a different style of playing. I think that this article is very interesting because it really does show how women are less aggressive than men. The thing that I saw most interesting is how the referees get more tired when they ref a women’s play. I think that I can understand that because the men probably have a lot of penalty kicks and fouls. In conclusion I think that this is a very good and interesting article.

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