Saturday, October 22, 2011

4th current event


           The Cyclops shark they found three months ago appears to be true. This shark like a Cyclops has only one eye. When photos of this shark began to first surface many people did not believe it. They thought it was just a happy cartoon character instead of a shark especially when the mouth is open it has no sharp teeth. This shark was found in July in the sea of Cortez. Some scientists studied the shark and they found out that the shark is 22 inches long with one single working eye in the center of his head. The fetus was discovered when a fishermen legally caught a pregnant shark near Cerralvo island in the Gulf of California. A biologist sliced open the shark and he found nine normal siblings. But then he spotted this odd male along the nine normal siblings  he took that to the scientists to be studied. The scientists have  performed x-rays on the fetus and it had reviewed the previous studies of cyclopia. In conclusion this means that the shark had a disorder just like some new born babies some babies even have been born with one eye. I was disappointed when I found  out that the shark just had a disorder because I really thought they had found a new specie of sharks.

          This relates do science because if the fisherman hadn’t taken the little fetus in there wouldn’t be proof of a cyclopes shark. Also the scientists also x rayed the fetus and if they hadn’t done that a lot of people would think that they found a new species of sharks. This article also says that the scientists researched about this shark and they found out some unusual characteristics for example there were no teeth. This is unusual because usually sharks are born with very sharp teeth. In conclusion I hope you understand more about the Cyclopes shark!


Writtten by : Jennifer Veigas
Discovery news
Date: October 18th 


  1. Congenital anomalies happen to all species, but the Cyclops anomaly is one of the of the least common kinds. Great job, by the way.

  2. That is so cool Bethany! Great article!!!! Great summary! I like how you were so descriptive!!!

  3. Cool, I never heard about cyclops before but I did about mutants. Really Great Job, good description and summary.

    Ivan Medvedev

  4. Well written summary Bethany! How cool that it was mutated where the rest of its brothers and sisters were normal. The work of scientists can be very tricky, but it seems that these scientists did their research well. I wonder if this type of shark with this mutation would be able to survive in the wild.
