Monday, October 3, 2011

secound current event

          In south Africa they are making a powder to put on the rhinos horns because most people in Africa kill the rhinos just for the horns. They grind up the horns and they sell it because the rhino horns can become medicine. The powder they used was a kind of pesticide and is poisonous to the human body but unharmed to the rhino. In South Africa park agency report that 279 rhinos have been killed in south Africa so far in 2011. This has increased dramatically from 2007.  In conclusion the Poachers that where hunting the rhinos got more cautious about hunting rhinos which was a good thing.

          This is related to science because of the powder that they used to put on the rhinos horns. The powder is science because you need to experiment with all of the other pesticides until you find the right one. This is also related to science because of the how the rhino horn can become medicine that’s science because again you would need to do a lot of experiments. 



  1. Weird article, why would people kill rhinos just for the horns? Good description, both paragraphs are pretty good.

    Ivan Medvedev 6B

  2. Bethany, I noticed that you did both current events on happenings in Africa. Do you have an interest in Africa? For the future be sure to keep your summary between 4 to 8 sentences per paragraph. You have done a good job so far and your work is very descriptive.

  3. Hi Bethany
    I think you chose a great article to write about anf your paragraphs clearly described the article. I think you did a great job! :) Also I think it is really bad to kill rhinos just for their horns. It is great that people are stopping to do that!!!!:D

  4. Very interesting article, but once again, you have forgotten the author and date of the article. Make sure you do this on future current events.
